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Hirtenstraße 19, 10178 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 24041420



Power of Brand Storytelling in Nescafe TV Commercials

Here is a lesson in branding storytelling by Nescafe. This is an old TV commercial (TVC) of the mid 2010s which is 2 minutes long, but hits bullseye with humour, brand storytelling and brand positioning. Nescafe ad https://youtu.be/u1whG-9BjsQ?si=aX-d1_rMbvXurH7k Ad talks about...

data storytelling

The Power Of Data Storytelling

With the advent of the data economy, that organisation which can harness data and use it effectively, will flourish the most.  Hence only data storytelling can help here and that will be the power of data storytelling.  Biggest failure...

Business Storytelling Coach and Consultant

Who is a professional storyteller?

Let us understand who is a professional storyteller in the first place. Professional storytellers in the purist form are the below examples: E.g. - Authors: Writers who create novels, short stories, non-fiction books, and other written works are professional...